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Cart 0 Tone of Voice

Our tone of voice is how we convey our brand through words. Whether you’re putting together a listing presentation, being interviewed by a journalist, writing a blog post or creating an Instagram story, sticking to that tone means we’ll always be delivering a clear, consistent message that helps our audience make informed decisions.

Our tone of voice is ours alone, and it helps us to stand out from the crowd and ensures people can always easily identify that our content comes from us. In general, stay focused on the 3 Cs: be calm, collected and confident. Specifically, here are a few guidelines you should follow:

Be the expert they need

Deliver high-value information clearly and with confidence, positioning yourself and the company as the go-to source for information and market intelligence.

Clear and simple wins every time

Say “use” instead of “utilize.” Don’t use a big word when a simpler one will do, and use as few words as you need to get the point across.

Always put the reader/viewer/listener first

People don’t care how great you are, they care about how you’ll solve their problems. Be clear about what’s in it for them. Say “you” a lot and tone down your use of “I” and “we.”

Show them we’re people, too

Make sure your messaging is friendly, approachable and human. Inform, but never talk down. Be like that good friend who’s an expert in something, taking time to explain complex ideas in simple terms.

Be casual but professional

Write the way you talk. Remember, you’re talking to another human, not putting together a corporate document (though even corporations are moving to simpler language these days). Use contractions (don’t, won’t, isn’t).

Take it easy on the exclamation points!

The exclamation point is the punctuation equivalent of ALL CAPS: it makes people feel like you’re shouting at them. Use it occasionally to make a point, but don’t end every sentence with it.

4 Benefits of Using a Consistent Tone of Voice

1. It humanizes us 

Like a person, the right personality makes us easier to relate to, and portraying that personality in our communication builds trust and makes customers feel good about working with us.

2. It helps us stand out 

A unique, easily identifiable voice helps us to break through the noise. 

3. It’s the first step in the conversation 

Content is often the beginning of the sales relationship. It builds trust. 

4. It establishes our expertise 

Confidence, passion and knowledge, delivered in the right way, help people see us as the go-tos for real estate expertise.

A Little More About Our Tone
